display — [n] public showing; spectacle act, affectation, arrangement, array, arrayal, blaze, bravura, dash, demonstration, example, exhibit, exhibition, expo*, exposition, exposure, fanfare, flourish, for show, frame up*, frippery, front, grandstand play* … New thesaurus
Display resolution — For screen sizes (typically in inches, measured in the diagonal), see Display size. For a list of particular display resolutions, see Graphic display resolutions. This chart shows the most common display resolutions, with the color of each… … Wikipedia
layout — /lay owt /, n. 1. an arrangement or plan: We objected to the layout of the house. 2. the act of laying or spreading out. 3. a plan or sketch, as of an advertisement or a page of a newspaper or magazine, indicating the arrangement and relationship … Universalium
layout — lay•out [[t]ˈleɪˌaʊt[/t]] n. 1) an arrangement or plan: We objected to the layout of the house[/ex] 2) the act of laying or spreading out 3) jou a plan or sketch showing the arrangement of copy and artwork in an advertisement, newspaper or… … From formal English to slang
display — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. show, exhibition; pomp, ostentation. v. t. show, manifest, exhibit, disclose; flaunt, show off. See evidence, appearance. II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [Pretentious show] Syn. affectation, pretension,… … English dictionary for students
layout — n 1. arrangement, disposal, spread; plan, design, outline; chart, blueprint, map, sketch, display. 2. collection, set, group, aggregation, Inf. bunch, Inf. bundle; Inf. setup … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Primary flight display — A primary flight display or PFD is a modern aircraft instrument dedicated to flight information. Much like multi function displays, primary flight displays are built around an LCD or CRT display device. Representations of older six pack or steam… … Wikipedia
Display ad/page layout system — Система компоновки и вёрстки полос акцидентных объявлений … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Comparison of layout engines (Cascading Style Sheets) — Cascading Style Sheets CSS Animations Dynamic CSS Comparison of layout engines Comparison of stylesheet languages Internet Explorer box model bug CSS Zen Garden The Zen of CSS Design CSSTidy Style sheet Tableless web design Holy Grail (web… … Wikipedia
Comparison of layout engines (non-standard HTML) — HTML HTML and HTML5 Dynamic HTML XHTML XHTML Mobile Profile and C HTML Canvas element Character encodings Document Object Model Font family HTML editor HTML element HTML Frames HTML5 video HTML scri … Wikipedia
Tastatur-Layout — Die Tastaturbelegung (auch Tastaturlayout) beschreibt sowohl die Kodierung der einzelnen Tasten als auch deren Lage und Anzahl auf der Tastatur einer Schreibmaschine oder eines Textverarbeitungssystems oder Computerterminals. Je nach Anwendung… … Deutsch Wikipedia